
Btrieve error 22 (data buffer length overrun)

The Data Buffer length was not long enough to accommodate the length of the data record defined when the file was created. - For Get or Step operations, if the data buffer is too short to contain the fixed length portion of the record, Btrieve does not return any data to the data buffer. If the record is a variable length record and the data buffer is too short to contain the entire variable length portion of the record, Btrieve returns as much data as it can and a status code 22, indicating that it could not return the entire record. - For the Insert operation, Btrieve does not insert the record if the data buffer is shorter than the fixed length portion of the record. - For the Update operation, if the data buffer is too short to contain the fixed length portion of any record, Btrieve does not update the record. - For the Stat operation, this status indicates that the data buffer is not long enough to contain all the file and key specifications, and the alternate collating sequence definition, if specified. - If this status code is returned from Get Equal (5) operation and the data buffer length was less than key offset plus key length the key buffer will be filled with invlaid data, because it is extracted from data buffer.

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