Btrieve development tools
This page has list of development tools that I know about. If it's shareware
or freeware and I have it, you can also download the stuff here. If I have used
the thing myself (or anyone else has used it and has sent me a review), I'll
try to describe the thing.
Unfortunately, I don't always have the latest versions of stuff, so if you
happen to have newer version or have something that I don't have at all, please
send it to
Generic developer tools
Windows tool for manipulating Btrieve files (search/replace, import/export,
index creation etc.).
Created by
Nelson Software Solutions.
Command-line DDF file builder/manager. Has it's own file description language
and lots of unique features.
- BTFILER v1.42 v1.45
Allows you to browse, edit, delete and add records; pack, clone, copy, create,
test and rebuild Btrieve files. Has advanced recovery features, optimum page
size calculator. Allows to add and drop supplemental keys and create empty
files using ASCII description files. Also has ASCII export/import ability.
A definite must-have for every developer.
Btviewer is just like Btfiler, but uses DDF files to figure out record layout
(and does not work if you don't have DDF's). It can do special functions that
btfiler can, but it can browse and edit record data in field-formatted form.
It can also join records from two separate files based on field in primary
file and index in secondary file (eiher matching or non-matching records).
An utility to Create BTB files (that Btfiler can use to create Btrieve files)
from existing Btrieve files.
- BTUTIL v1.11B v1.20A
Btrieve file import/export and data recovery tool. Recovers data from damaged
Btrieve file to clone of the damaged file.
This program can read (but not create) DDF files and print out the record
layout and stuff. I was not able to get it to do anything useful (except optimum
page size calculation), but it was probably because I had ill-formed DDF files
which I tried to play with.
This program is basically a nice Turbo Vision interface for Btrieve functions
(sorta like BTI's function executor). Seems to be working OK.
A collection of DOS Btrieve tools, most notably BDEBUG. BDEBUG is a TSR that
traps Btrieve calls and displays the results, parameters and key/record data
for each call - I would not imagine debugging Btrieve apps without it. There
is a SIM utility which is like BTI's Btrieve function executor as well.
Command line utility to dechiper Btrieve status codes into human-readable
- BU
BU is another (partial) replacement for Novell's BUTIL.
DDFMAKE consists two command-line utilities called DDFFILE and DDFFIELD which
create FIELD.DDF and FILE.DDF files from ASCII description files. Unfortunately
it cannot create INDEX.DDF.
Seems to be a file repair/statistics utility with pretty user interface. 30-day
trial version.
Norton Guide format manual for Btrieve API (only covers Btrieve 4.10 unfortunately).
This is crippled copy of BTEDIT 1.18, another Btrieve file browser. Has export/import,
clone and other options as well.
Btrcreate is a nice full-screen program for managing and creating DDF files.
Crippleware. You have to register it to actually do anything useful. Doh.
Contains 3 little utilities BACTIVE, BRESET and BUNLOAD. First one returns
errorlevel 1 if Btrieve is loaded, others should be obvious by the name.
Another Btrieve file viewer & copy/create utlity.
- BFIX06
Strange Btrieve data recovery program which allows you to reassemble btrieve
data files that have been splitted into small fragments (ie. results of VREPAIR
or CHKDSK). It's written for Btrieve 4.10 files, so it's use is quite limited
today but here it is anyway.
bBug is another TSR for intercepting Btrieve calls. Does just what Novell's
Bdebug does, but has no way to turn it off or resize the window to which the
information is displayed. More than that, doc's say that it's demo version
but say nothing about what you gen when you register. Go figure.
DDF file descriptions and templates.
- Btrieve Access Toolbox
TC and MSC libraries and include files for Btrieve interface.
A sample C code to demonstrate Btrieve UNIXWARE requester.
Simple Btrieve log analyzer, good starting point for your own log tools. This
one was sent to me by Andrey Gusev
from Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
C++ class library and include files for Btrieve file manipulation. Has user
manual. Not used it, but seems to be fairly rudimentary.
- BLOGIN BLOGIN.EXE is a tiny 16-Bit Btrieve Server
app. The BTRCALL function in the 32-Bit app looks for BLOGIN, after which
communication takes place using SendMessage and the clipboard. There is a
CPP source which you include into your project and call BTRCALL in that, instead
This is a source code for remote Btrieve Reset utility accompanied by the
source for class library for Btrieve access.
Another class library for Btrieve (LIB and H only).
Another class library with include files. This one needs BTI developers toolkit
as well.
MFC specific Class library, nagware.
- BTC20
John C. Leon's C++ library with docs and source (Borland C++ 3.x), has easy
file creation and cloning functions.
Turbo Pascal
- BTP - The Btrieve unit for BP7 v2.5 v2.0
Contains TPU (with source) of OO interface to Btrieve, some utilities and
example program sources.
PAS source for a wrapper for WBTRCALL.DLL functions which makes calling DLL
functions look like DOS Btrieve calls on the source level.
- BTV v1.50 v2.00
BTV is a BP interface to Btrieve functions (source code). It provides a encapsulation
of Btrieve interface which looks the same for programmer under DOS, protected
mode DOS and MS-Windows. Has documentation and example code.
Another rudimentary Btrieve interface for both DOS and Windows.
Native Btrieve components for Delphi.
Btrieve wrapper unit with examples.
An OS/2 DLL which provides Btrieve interface for REXX scripts (example included).
Copyright © Madis Kaal 2000-