Weekly weather summary: Kristiine, Tallinn, Estonia

as of 15/09/15 07:03:02
This week
High Temperature
Low Temperature
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
High Heat Index N/A at N/A
Low Wind Chill N/A at N/A
High Humidity
Low Humidity
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
High Barometer
Low Barometer
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
0,0 mm
High Rain Rate
High Wind Speed N/A from N/A at N/A
Average Wind N/A
RMS Wind N/A
Vector Average Spd
Vector Average Direction
High Inside Temp.
Low Inside Temp.
23,5°C at 21:51:14
20,5°C at 07:21:40
This month
High Temperature
Low Temperature
13,2°C at 01/09/15 00:09:01
13,2°C at 01/09/15 00:09:01
High Heat Index 1588,7°C at 12/09/15 07:02:58
Low Wind Chill 13,2°C at 01/09/15 00:09:01
High Humidity
Low Humidity
99% 01/09/15 00:09:01
4% 02/09/15 06:09:06
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
104,6°C 12/09/15 07:02:58
13,0°C 01/09/15 00:09:01
High Barometer
Low Barometer
N/A at N/A
N/A at N/A
Rain Total 7,2 mm
High Rain Rate 22,5 mm/hr at 02/09/15 09:48:28
High Wind Speed 38 knots from 2228° at 02/09/15 06:09:06
Average Wind 0 knots
RMS Wind 1 knots
Vector Average Spd
Vector Average Dir.
1 knots
High Inside Temp.
Low Inside Temp.
29,6°C at 09/09/15 11:30:34
0,3°C at 02/09/15 06:09:06
High UV
Low UV
0,0 at 08/09/15 20:32:07
0,0 at 08/09/15 20:32:07
High Radiation
Low Radiation
2456 W/m² at 09/09/15 10:15:16
0 W/m² at 08/09/15 20:32:07


temperatures heatchill rain wind barometer Hi Wind Inside Wind Vector
This station uses a Velleman WS3080, controlled by 'weewx', a weather software system written in Python by Tom Keffer (Thanks to him for it). Smartphone formatted